Wednesday 23 September 2009

(500) Days of Summer

I had to write something about this film after hearing a review about it which I felt completely missed the point of the film. (500) Days of Summer tells the truth in the beginning when it warns its viewers that it is not a love story. In the review I heard the person said that the film lied and that (500) Days of Summer is about the finding, losing and recovering from the loss of love. The film doesn't even aim to teach about love. It aims to tell us that only we can inspire our own happiness and although the people you meet throughout your lifetime will add or detract from your happiness, there is a level of self-actualisation that only you are wholly responsible for.

I got a bit disappointed actually whilst watching as this revelation came to me. It became too obvious. Another person can't make you happy if you are essentially unhappy, as was Tom's situation as he was dissatisfied in himself for failing to achieve his ambitions. Whilst the thought that we are in control of our own happiness might empower some people it made me feel lonely and cynical about the human race because when it comes down to it I guess we all are essentially, by design, a self-centred bunch. I don't mean self-centered as in selfish; just that we are all centered around the self.

Anyway, that's what I took from the film and I guess I could be wrong.

1 comment:

  1. wow i love deep discussions, things like this that leave you thinking!
    ive been thinking about similar things lately. i want to make myself happy, and stop relying on other people so much.
    this is so well written! you should be in the media industry reviewing films :) i'll definitely read any other entries you make here xx
